
M.A. Samoza: "Rotecna products give us excellent results"
04th March 2021 - Success stories
In the year 1998, David Samoza, Maria Antonieta Samoza and Jose Ángel Herrera started their own livestock project in Venezuela: Granjas porcinas Purolomo, C.A. With a long family tradition, dating back to 1967, these farmers have specialized and technified their production, which is currently destined for meat companies throughout the Venezuelan territory.
David Samoza, Maria Antonieta Samoza and Jose Ángel Herrera inside one of their farms. Photo: Purolomo.
Why decide to become farmers?
Firstly, because 25 years ago our core business was the production of animal feeds and, secondly, by family tradition, since our parents had been engaged in pig farming for many years. So, we wanted to follow in their footsteps and bet on an improvement in Venezuelan pig farming.
How were your first years as ranchers in charge of the farm?
We remember that our beginnings were quite difficult, mainly due to health issues. Over time, we have implemented a vaccination plan, we have improved in the handling of animals and we have achieved important improvements in genetics.
How has the farm evolved?
Throughout all this time there have been many changes. We have had ups and downs depending on the socioeconomic situation of the country at the time. For some years, we have been experiencing continuous growth in our facilities and, therefore, in the number of animals.
How is the farm distributed?
We have a complete production in our facilities, which are divided into three sites: the first is for mothers; there the piglets are born, and are weaned after 21 days; at site II, the piglets arrive after being weaned, and remain until 10 weeks old; finally, site III houses the animals from site II until they are 24 weeks old, when they go to the slaughterhouse.
"Working with a leading brand in swine innovation allows us to stand out from our competitors."
What staff do you have on these farms?
Each of the production units has a person in charge (veterinarian or engineer). We also have 70 more workers, who are middle and senior technicians in agronomy, and qualified workers. All of them distribute the tasks by work areas, depending on the productive unit they occupy.
What Rotecna equipment do you have on your farms?
We have recently acquired 200 farrowing places with their plastic floors, drag systems and hoppers. In fattening, we have the tubular feeders, GrowFeeder, and Swing R3.
Why are you betting on Rotecna products?
Without any doubt, for its quality. Rotecna equipment provides excellent results. Working with a leading brand in swine innovation allows us to stand out from our competitors.
"Of Grow Feeder we must highlight its great capacity for food storage and that food waste is minimal."
What Rotecna products would you highlight based on the benefits they bring you?
We have been working with the Grow Feeder for years. Of this product we must highlight its great capacity for food storage and that food waste is minimal.
You also have the Feeding Ball installed in farrowing. Why did you decide on this product?
With it we have improved food storage; Furthermore, the fact that the sow has what it wants to eat in its own feeder provides great advantages. Other factors that made us opt for this equipment were the minimum waste of food and that the workers did not have to feed three times a day, as they did until now.
You also have the Swing R3…
We installed this product mainly for its quality and for savings, since it means less food waste, less labor, and because it is an automatic system. It is a very efficient hopper that has allowed us to improve the productivity of our farm and the feed conversion rates because, as there is no food waste or any type of restriction, the work for farmers is much easier.
"We follow a strict vaccination plan, which is meticulously followed, to prevent animals from various diseases."
What measures do you apply to prevent health problems?
We follow a strict vaccination plan, which is meticulously followed, to prevent animals from various diseases. In addition, we control with special attention the personnel entering and leaving the facilities to always maintain the best hygiene conditions. In this sense, access to the productive units is not allowed to people outside the farm. Regarding the wardrobe, we check that all the workers have their uniform in their respective workstations, because you can only enter with farm clothes. We also thoroughly disinfect all areas of the farm and control the handling of everything inside - everything outside.
Finally, what future challenges are there for the farm?
Our main purpose is to keep growing. In the medium term, we want to increase the capacity of our farm to 2,500 sows and produce the highest possible number of kilos of meat, all at the lowest cost.