

Meet the winners of the Iberian Porc d'Or Awards

Meet the winners of the Iberian Porc d'Or Awards

09th July 2024 - News

One more year, the Spanish Iberian pig sector has dressed up to recognize and reward its best professionals in the Iberian Porc d'Or Awards 2024 awards, organized by IRTA, together with CEVA Salud Animal and the Interprofessional of the Iberian Pig (ASICI). Nearly 400 members of the sector, including farmers, veterinarians and technicians, as well as representatives of the administration and the main sector associations, met on the night of 5th July at the Córdoba Conference Center to meet the best iberian pig farms from Spain. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, who also participated in the presentation of the MAPA Porc d'Or Award for Sustainability.

In this 8th edition of the Iberian Porc d'Or Awards, 32 awards for excellence in Iberian pork production have been awarded to a total of 21 farms spread across three autonomous communities.

Valladolid, Cáceres, Badajoz and Salamanca win the Special Awards

The Las Abiertas – Hermanos Viceira Puertas farm of the Inga Food company in Madrigalejo (Cáceres) has been recognized with the Porc d’Or Award for Sustainability awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Another of the stars of the night was Granja la Mejorada, which won the highest award among all categories: the Iberian Porc d'Or with Diamond. This farm, located in Olmedo (Valladolid), belongs to the company Agrocesa – Grupo Vall Companys.

This year being its first edition in the Iberian Porc d'Or Awards, the One Health award from CEVA Salud Animal has gone to the La Charneca farm in Usagre, Badajoz, owned by the company Grupo Santana Hernández.

The Iberian Porc d'Or Award for Outdoor Production, in its fourth edition, has been awarded to the San Rafael farm, of the company Explotación San Rafael S.L in the town of Aljucén, Badajoz.

Finally, the Porc d’Or Ibérico Award for Maximum Productivity has gone to a farm in Salamanca: Ibéricos Encinas from the company Agrocesa – Grupo Vall Companys, from the municipality of Encinas de Abajo (Salamanca). This farm has reached the impressive figure of 20.9 piglets weaned per productive Iberian sow per year.

Castilla y León and Extremadura share the majority of the Awards

In addition to the five special prizes, a total of 27 gold, silver and bronze statuettes are awarded, based on the technical criteria of Live Births, Longevity and Calving Rate, within each of the three categories that classify the farms in depending on your census. Considering all the categories together, ten farms from Castilla y León have obtained a total of 15 statuettes. Ten statuettes (five gold, two silver and three bronze) have gone to six farms in Valladolid; three statuettes (one gold, one silver and one bronze) have gone to two Segovian farms; and finally one money has gone to Salamanca and another to Soria.

Likewise, seven farms in Extremadura have obtained 11 awards (two gold, four silver and five bronze): Ten (two gold, three silver and five bronze) have been awarded to six farms in Badajoz and one farm in Cáceres has obtained a silver.

With the support of Rotecna

Once again, Rotecna is one of the sponsoring companies of these awards that recognize the work, professionalism, effort and extraordinary essential work of hundreds of companies and pig farms throughout Spain, and which are awarded by a jury composed of personalities of recognized prestige in the industry, livestock research and administration.

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