

The Spanish pig sector, a world leader

The Spanish pig sector, a world leader

06th April 2022 - News

The Spanish pig sector has established itself as a world benchmark in production, export, and in terms of genetics, and reproduction thanks to the work of the more than 400,000 professionals that make it up. This was stated by Manuel García, president of the Interprofesional del Porcino de Capa Blanca (Interporc), at the XV International Congress of Pig Reproduction, held at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia on March 30 and 31.

In his speech, García highlighted the professionalism and effort that have made it possible to achieve excellence in terms of insemination, genetic improvement, and reproduction, as well as the leadership role played by the Spanish pig in this field. "The pork sector has invested a lot and worked very hard on these issues to reach its current position of excellence in each of these processes," he said.

Finally, he insisted on the need to communicate: “The sector has grown and it is necessary to communicate, it is the pending subject of the sector. The best communication is the one that we can do from our workplaces”. In this sense, García highlighted the latest campaign launched by Interporc, "Orgullosos de lo nuestro" (“Proud of ours”).

The XV International Congress of Pig Reproduction brought together 350 professionals from the pig sector from 27 countries. Over two days they were able to learn in depth about current issues such as the implications of the new European health legislation for IPCs, the spread of PRRS and ASF, the challenges in prolificacy, and trends in the meat market, etc.

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